All human life is precious to God and is created in his image. Will you join us as we stand for Biblical truth in our region?

What You Can Do to Protect Life

1. Pray

Pray by yourself and with a community of believers.

2. Speak Out

Form a Biblically-based opinion and speak out.

3. Teach Children

Teach children that they are "fearfully and wonderfully made" and that each life is valuable.

4. Join Community

Join with other pro-life members at your church and beyond by becoming a church advocate for life.

5. Volunteer

Volunteer at a local pregnancy clinic or home.

6. Give Resources

Give financial gifts and/or material resources such as diapers, formula, maternity and baby clothes or furniture.

7. Vote Pro-Life

Register to vote and vote pro-life.

8. 1-877-NOT ALONE

If you know any woman who is struggling with an abortion decision, give her the phone number for Life Choices: 1-877-NOT ALONE (1-877-668-2566).