What You Can Do to Protect Life
1. Pray
Pray by yourself and with a community of believers.
2. Speak Out
Form a Biblically-based opinion and speak out.
3. Teach Children
Teach children that they are "fearfully and wonderfully made" and that each life is valuable.
4. Join Community
Join with other pro-life members at your church and beyond by becoming a church advocate for life.
5. Volunteer
Volunteer at a local pregnancy clinic or home.
6. Give Resources
Give financial gifts and/or material resources such as diapers, formula, maternity and baby clothes or furniture.
7. Vote Pro-Life
Register to vote and vote pro-life.
8. 1-877-NOT ALONE
If you know any woman who is struggling with an abortion decision, give her the phone number for Life Choices: 1-877-NOT ALONE (1-877-668-2566).