
Life PNW is a Pro Life ministry all about educating and teaching the next generation the biblical truth about Life.  All life is precious to God and is created in His image.

Life PNW began in late January of 2022, just MONTHS before Roe V Wade was overturned.  Looking back, we see the hand of God preparing us for this season, preparing the CHURCH and preparing our community to hear the biblical view of life before we were bombarded with the worldly doctrine of death. We as a community were able to proclaim that Life is precious. Our students heard testimonies from women who had suffered abortions and how abortion may have seemed like the easy way out, but is never the right choice.  We were able to speak God’s message of Life.  Our belief that Life Is Precious is not based on our opinion but on the Word of God and the bible is clear.  Psalm 139, Luke 1, Isaiah 44, Jeremiah 1 etc.

It’s shocking to hear people in our country say that abortion is a right.  How did we get to a place where we are comfortable with murdering our children? I am so thankful that God opened up the doors for us to speak truth and we pray this message continues to get louder and louder.

Life PNW is a ministry of Cedar Park Church but is supported by many different churches and denominations and is meant to be an expression of the Christian churches in our region.

Will you join us as we stand for biblical truth in the state of Washington?

We are contending that Washington State will be a godly state that stands on the Word of God and stands for life.